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Is the Market Crashing? Or Correcting

Is the Market Crashing? Or Correcting

Charlotte Real Estate Market Update 8/16/22 If you have been following any news coverage at all, you have certainly heard of the looming market crash. I’m sure you have questions like the rest of us, and worried it might be another 2008. Well, I can tell you it...
3 Reasons Why 2022 is so different than 2008

3 Reasons Why 2022 is so different than 2008

As I talk to consumers, there is a common question or concern that I get almost every other day… is the housing marketing going to crash like 2008? The first question I always ask is, where did you find that data? The overwhelming majority of people tell me, I read a...
What is going on with Home Prices?!

What is going on with Home Prices?!

As you have seen in all parts of the country over the past couple years, appreciation of homes has been on the rise. Some may say meteoric, similar to when Tik Tok hit the scene and everyone was making dancing videos. Just like Tik Tok, the Real Estate Market can only...
How to Make Money from your home without selling it

How to Make Money from your home without selling it

So you have been watching the market and see your home value has skyrocketed. But you realize… you don’t want to move, nor do you need to. Most people move for a variety of reasons; Upsize, downsize, moving for a job, newer home and the list goes on. Just...
Wait Don’t Sell Your House!

Wait Don’t Sell Your House!

I know, its CRAZY that a Real Estate agent is telling you not to sell your home With the Real Estate market over the past few years going bananas with appreciation and wealth generation, you are probably saying what is wrong with this guy! Hear me out: Everyone’s...
